
In the previous post I mentioned that America Says will get 24 weekly runs on GSN beginning next week.

This got me wondering about the other heavy-duty shows in our little game show network's lineup. So I started counting eps on GSN's online schedule for the week of November 26-December 2.

The champ will surprise nobody and irritate many on the game show Interwebs. Although it's lost twenty weekday runs over the past few months, Family Feud still clocks in with 84 weekly showings. Cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the oldies boards.

The second-place show is a small surprise. Cash Cab gets 34 runs per week. Most of the taxi action happens on the weekends, with long marathons on both Saturday and Sunday. The third-ranked show is even more surprising, old reliable Match Game with 30 weekly runs, all on weekdays. It's safe to say that of all the game show oldies, MG gets the best numbers, considering its heavy use on both GSN and Buzzr. That's appropriate enough for the best game show ever.

I already mentioned America Says with its 24 showings. Then there's Deal or No Deal with twelve runs. DOND is an hour-long show, of course, so Howie gets as much clock time as John Michael. Several shows get ten runs each: Wheel of Fortune, Catch 21 and Idiotest. Then we drop into single digits for a bunch of other shows, all of them GSN originals.


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