Cosmo meets money

Is Cosmopolitan still around? Why, yes it it, as I discovered to my surprise.

I don't mean the paper magazine. I have no idea if the dead-tree version of the 1970s artifact is still with us. But Cosmopolitan definitely has a web site. They just posted a catty (of course) article on Millionaire host Chris Harrison's net worth.

Cosmo offers few solid numbers, as anybody could predict. Math is hard, as Barbie once said before the p.c. police shut her up, and Cosmo writers would no doubt agree.

Instead, the article rambles through low-level snark about Harrison's various jobs, including a swipe at Millionaire, "which yes, is still a show, how dare you even ask." (That's more irritating condescension toward game shows, but again I'll let it pass.) Finally, they offer a net worth figure of $16 million, gleaned from another site. At least they give the site credit.

Cosmo opines that Chris' net worth is "an insanely huge amount of money." I dunno, it seems a little on the low side for a guy who's worked so many high-profile jobs in show biz. But I trust Cosmo on finance about as much as I trust Us Weekly on quantum mechanics.


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