Petty and unwatchable

The Reddit game show board isn't the busiest site on the web, but it's good for an item or two on a slow weekend.

This thread refers to a BuzzerBlog review of Millionaire's new graphics. I did an entry about the graphics a while back and more or less waved them off as unimportant. If a game show wants to refresh their graphics package, it's no big deal to me.

Turns out it is a big deal to BuzzerBlog, though they admit the entire subject is "petty." Well, if you're gonna be petty, then petty is what you'll be. (I'm thinking deep thoughts today.) Truth be told, it's pretty funny to watch BuzzerBlog spend so much time denouncing blue parallelograms. Maybe Alex Davis had some bad experiences with high school geometry.

The Reddit thread itself grumbles that Millionaire has become "unwatchable." This adjective always sounds silly to me. The assertion is obviously false. Millionaire usually draws a 1.6 household rating, which translates to almost two million households in the U.S. So somebody can bring themselves to watch the show.

"Unwatchable" is only a goofy way of saying, "I don't like it." So why not just say it plainly?


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