Not that kind of shower

Wheel of Fortune is about as squeaky clean as it gets. Pat Sajak once reminded a contestant of that fact when he tried an, er, unusual solve.

But sometimes even the squeakiest clean show can get a little gamy. The Interwebs are chortling over a recent (and spectacular) flub by Wheel contestant Melanie Sinany. She named a certain kind of shower instead of the much less cringeworthy "cold shower" (see screenshot). Pat just went on with the show as if nothing embarrassing had happened for many a day.

This is where I normally go into my usual routine about how tough it is for contestants under the lights and the pressure. But I'll skip the disclaimer for once and just join in the laughs. It was a really, really funny moment, even if showrunner Harry Friedman might have winced.

Now if Jeopardy tries a "Shower" category...


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